Express Your Independence

Express Your Independence

We all have our own opinions on how liberated our country is, BUT today we want to stay in our lane and talk about hair.

We can all agree that hair has taken on many meanings of liberation over the centuries - in every country and culture. Whether it’s highly symbolic and a marker of status or an act of self-expression, uniqueness, and freedom - hair plays a powerful role in people’s lives.

Once upon a time, people were expected to wear their hair according to society's standards. These days we see people of all genders, shapes, and color expressing themselves through their hairstyles. It's a beautiful thing, and we are here to support your self-expression this season! Whether you have long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, or anything in between - your hair is an important part of your identity and should not be used as a basis for judgment.  

We encourage you to rock that messy bun, pink hair, short hair, bald head, or that beautiful afro with pride. It’s time to embrace your unique style and show the world what you’re made of! Don’t let anyone tell you how to wear your hair. You are liberated from society’s expectations!

I hope this puts a smile on your face. 

Until next time,






Simplify your hair care routine this summer and use Mirame BOTH and Mirame BOTH+ extra hold to redefine your curls and embrace your natural hair texture, or blow dry it straight.